Instead of paying a lot of money on the energy bill, convert to alternative energy using sun power! Save money and also time with these creative DIY’s and also reduce the utility bills. It’s true that when you want to get started on creating the perfect gadgets to obtain sun power, you don’t have the slight clue on what materials you need! Don’t worry! You will find all the information necessary here!
Build a Solar Oven
The power is off because of a big storm, and you want to prepare something for dinner? No problem! With this creative DIY solar power solution, you will have dinner on the table on time. A very easy to make idea with the cost ZERO.
Build a Solar Thermal Panel
Go green with these fabulous DIY idea! Heat water and reduce your bills with this solar thermal panel. Build it with primary materials that you have around your home. Also, keep in mind that you don’t require specialized skills and knowledge to make one.
Build a Solar Furnace
Build a simple solar furnace for just 50$. Heat areas from your home with energy saved from the sun and also save a lot of money and time. You will get the cost of the materials used to build the furnace back.
Build Mason Jar Solar Lights
With three materials and also ten minutes, you will make something magical. Leave the jars outside all day in the sun and at night they will give a magical feeling to your garden.
Build a Solar Power System
An affordable DIY idea that will give your home that perfect solar system you’ve always wanted to have. With the help of these solar panels and also the power of the sun you will have enough energy for your entire home. You will have a little bit of work at the beginning, but the final result will reduce your energy bill consistently.
Build a Solar Dehydrator
Keep the flavour of your herbs, veggies and fruits with these fabulous DIY idea. Dry food is delicious! Build a dehydrator from scraps and dry veggies, herbs and fruits.
Build a Soda Cans Solar Heater
Take advantage of the solar power by building soda can solar heater. Anyone can make this solar heater: it doesn’t require special skills only a few soda cans and work power!