7 Ways to Wear Headscarves this Summer

In my early days of rebel teenager, I used to wear hippie-like bandana all the time…even if it was too hot in the summer. It was plain simple, I just took a soft scarf and put it on my head, and that was it – nothing fancy at all! But after years and years, fashion got to me, I changed, everybody changes!, and I realized there is much more than just rounding up your head with a scarf. There’s a whole thing abou it I noticed and I gathered for you some nice tutorials for you about how to wear headscarves during summer – even if it’s too hot, your hair will sure take care of it, and without doubt you’ll feel more than great!

Vintage Wrap

Via “she knows


Tuck and Cover Half


Via “Missy Sue“+ Video Tutorial

Short Hair


Via “Into the Woods

Forehead Scarf


Via “she knows

Simple Head Scarf


Via “Keiko Lynn

Banded Scarf


Via “she knows

Front Twist


Via “she knows

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