5 DIY Projects to Decorate your Garden with!

Today we are going to introduce you to a few projects close to our hearts. And they are all about how to decorate your garden or backyard. Because we thought that we could use some outdoor inspiration, now that the warm weather is here to stay. So let’s take advantage of it, get outside, and get our hands a bit dirty. Because all of these projects are also DIY.

So we have a little bit of this and that. We thought that it was ok to include several ideas in order to inspire as many of you as we can. And because, of course, not all of you have giant gardens where you can include everything. For example, many of you may not have any use for stepping stones. Some of you may not have the space for an underground fountain. And some of you may not even have a flower bed, where you can put those lovely swan decorations.

But I bet that all of you can find at least one project to inspire and fit in your garden among these. Be it the steps, fountain, decorations, or just the outdoor lights. Better yet, let us know what would you rather have in your garden and we will make sure to include those ideas in our future articles. For now, please enjoy the little projects that we have to offer. And give us your feedback on which might be your favorite. Or even which ones you don’t like and why!


DIY Garden Stepping Stones

Photo and instructions via PrakticIdeas


Turn an old skillet into a Garden Clock

Photo and instructions via PrakticIdeas


Decorate your Garden using plastic bottles

Photo and instructions via PrakticIdeas


Garden Lights using glass jars

Photo and instructions via PrakticIdeas


Underground Water Fountain

Photo and instructions via PrakticIdeas


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