We can all admit that we life in a world where the selfies movement have replaced normal photography. There is no longer a need to rely on other people to capture our extreme, beautiful or memorable moments in life. This was replaced by the selfie and the act of taking it during any moment that we wish to remember. But this movement has not been without its haters. There are still many people out there that refuse to succumb to this trend. And they have managed to successfully surpass it.
But in today’s article we will focus on the good parts of selfies and their existence. We will consider selfies as a way to capture life’s precious moments that may pass us by otherwise. And from the selection of photos that we have gathered and are about to show you, I’m sure you will agree. Despite all its ugly factors, selfies are an interesting concept. And they can be a real memory treasure if we take them with caution, respect and regard for ours and other people’s safety.
Ferdinand Puentes managed to a selfie right after the tragic plane crash that happened in Hawaii in December 2015 and which killed state Health Director Loretta Fuddy. Photo via huffingtonpost
Reddit user JohnWard101 confeses that getting a selfie with a great white shark was not that easy to get. But we say it was totally worth it.

If the reddit user KWCRG_KarmaBank is still with this girl, then we wish them sky high love and fortune. He is one lucky guy and we could help but admit to being a little jealous, of both of them.

Alexander Remnev, a 19 year old Russian daredevil likes to live life high. Literally! He is a well known photographer that likes to take edgy photos. Sometimes even disregarding life’s limits or edges. This particular selfie was taken on the roof of the Princess Tower along with Dubai’s gorgeous skyline.

Extreme selfies can be spectacular and impressive, there’s no denying it. But for this next one we have to draw a limit. By no chance do we encourage selfies that will put your life or the life of people around you. And this is exactly what the debate is when it comes to #TDFselfies. What do you think?

If you’ve been on the internet long enough, you have surely seen this one. It was one of the most viral selfies and to this day it is also one of the most extreme and hilarious. If you haven’t heard of it so far, check out the link for a full article and even a response from the man who, for a while, had one of the most popular selfies on the internet.

Sometimes we take selfies to show other people the most wonderful parts of our lives. Be it our work or personal lives, we want to show others the best of us. So here is one selfie that shows one of the best achievements of human kind, being an astronaut.

And while we’re at the subject of extreme, we thought that extreme sports selfies would fit quite nicely. So here is Eric Ingargiola’s extreme and gorgeous selfie taken during a skydiving jump.