7 Outdoor Playhouse Ideas your Children are Going to Love!

When it comes to pleasing their children, parents will go a long way to do so. So, today, we think we can put that to the test (haha). But let me give you a fair warning before you go any further: read this by yourself before you show it to your kids. Unless you want a fun surprise to turn into another dreadful project. So, we have gathered 7 playhouse plans that we think will turn you into the parent of the year.

All of these are designed, drawn, and made by creative and awesome parents, just like yourselves. Why have we chosen a list of 7? Because you will notice that all of these projects are unique and special in their own way. For example, some of them are suited for both indoor and outdoor use while others just for outdoor. But wait, there’s more! The best part of these projects is that they are able to please any type of child. So, if you have a more introverted child, who maybe doesn’t like the outdoors, then you are in luck. But just the same luck that you may have with a courageous and outgoing child, because we have something for him or her as well. From reading nooks to hobbit houses, to adventurous playhouses, to wild west themed ones. We have it all and it’s all for you and your children.


Log Cabin Playhouse

Photo and project via instructables


Backyard Sleepover Playhouse

Photo and project via diynetwork


Easy Kids Indoor / Outdoor Playhouse

Photo and project via jenwoodhouse


Clubhouse / Fort / Castle

Photo and project via instructables


Naturally Cool Cob Playhouse

Photo and project via instructables


Wild West Playhouse

Photo and project via project.theownerbuildernetwork


Happy Treehouse

Photo and project via madewithhappy



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