We were all very saddened by the news of Carrie Fisher’s passing away. Growing up as Star Wars fans, this tragedy struck home and we consider it a truly great loss. And we were not the only ones. All over the internet, the loyal fans have each paid a tribute as they knew best and they were all priceless and tear inducing. Out of the many kind words and wonderful mementos, the best tributes have come out of the minds and hands of great artists.
And, since we have no talent when it comes to drawing, we wanted to show our humble condolences the way we knew best. So, we gathered a few of our favorite tribute drawings by some very talented artists and we decided to share them with you. This is going to be our way of saying goodbye to a beautiful princess, a strong rebel and one amazing lady.
If you haven’t read that much about Carrie Fisher during her life, we want to encourage fans to read a bit about her. She was a very charming and delightful lady to be around and we can assure you that you won’t regret reading about her. In the past few days there have been some delightful stories about interviews, encounters, and simple situations where she just lighted up the situation. From a simple joke to a whole story, she knew just what to say and when to say it. But don’t take our word for it, just do a google search and you will see what we mean. For now, here’s our small way of saying goodbye to a real legend and heroine.